Understanding The Process
Every luxury glow service includes 1) A disposable hair net to protect your hair 2) Sticky feet, to make sure the bottom of your feet do not collect color. 3) Sensitive skin moisturizer for dry skin areas. 4) A coco drying powder to help with stickiness. We always end the tan by wiping off your nails, toes and palms. We want to ensure your tan is perfect before we leave.
Are you looking for pricing? head over to "About" for more information
This Luxury concierge service is provided by a double certified spray tan artist with several years of experience.
Amanda uses top of the line products that the average consumer cannot purchase. Her self tan solution is one of the most expensive solutions a company can purchase. Amanda only wants top of the line products for her clients! This Luxury concierge service allows Amanda to tan you, in the comfort and convenience of your own home.